A Tactical Decision Game (TDG) is a situational exercise that is driven by a narrative that provides basic mission, intent, and resources available, allowing leaders to work through their decision-making processes (TLPs, MDMP, etc.) and develop a plan. They have been used throughout history dating back to before the 1800. Most notably, Field Marshall Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of the Prussian General Staff, used them in the mid-to-late 1800s for contingency planning and called them “tactical assignments” (taktische Aufgaben).
For an Introduction to Tactical Decision Games, start HERE.
Welcome to Your One Stop Shop for TDGs
The purpose of this page is to provide a comprehensive index of aggregated TDG resources already out there and of those personally curated on The Company Leader. As we continue this journey, The Company Leader will publish new TDGs as Blog Posts on the home page, and we will index them here for your reference.
This page does not provide all of the tools for you to complete these Tactical Decision Games. That is purposeful – 1. For OPSEC reasons (friendly and enemy weapons capabilities) and 2. To force you to go out and find the information. We want you to crack open the Doctrine. Go to ADP/ADRP/FM 1-02, 3-90, MTOEs, etc. and refresh your knowledge of doctrinal tactics and capabilities of the different organizations.
If there is a way we can better serve you or if you have TDGs you would like to share/published, please do not hesitate to email us at thecompanyleader@gmail.com or use the Contact Us page.
The Company Leader TDGs
- Introduction to TDGs
- TDG 18-09: “Patched Prairie” (SBCT PLT Attack)
- TDG 18-10: “Tanks in the Hedgerows” (ABCT CO Attack)
- TDG 18-11: “Route Canada” (IBCT PLT MTC)
- TDG 18-12: “Refrigerator Gap” (ABCT CO TM)
- TDG 19-01: “Right of the Line” (IBCT Attack to Clear)
- TDG 19-02: “The Goat Trail Foothold” (SBCT PLT Attack)
- TDG 19-03: “Defend Forward” (IBCT CO Defense)
- The Combined Arms BN TDE (Defense)
- TDG 19-04: “Call for Fire” (C/T/B Fires Support)
- TDG 19-05: “Counter-Attack” (SBCT PLT Attack)
- TDG 19-06: “Fight for Information” (ABCT PLT Recon)
- TDG 19-07: “Defend the Pass” (SBCT BN Defense)
- TDG 19-08: “Comms Down” (IBCT PLT Attack)
- TDG 19-09: “Clearing Al-Baqqah” (ABCT Urban Attack)
- TDG 19-10: “Rearm and Refuel” (ABCT Logistics)
- TDG 19-11: “Reconnaissance Guidance” (SBCT Recon)
- TDG 19-12: “Attacking Razish” (ABCT CAB Attack)
- TDG 20-01: “Fires on OBJ SHERIDAN” (IBCT CO Fire Support Plan), by 10th MTN DIVARTY
- TDG 20-02: “Set the Trap” (IBCT PLT Ambush)
- TDG 20-03: “Objective Rhino” (IBCT PLT Attack)
- TDG 20-04: “Come In Fighting” (ABN PLT Attack)
- TDG 20-05: “On Watch” (Sniper Emplacement)
- TDG 20-06: “Red Dragons on OBJ Sword” (IBCT CO Attack)
The Junior Tactician TDEs
Combat Team Bravo Resupply (CT-B)
- Operation Devils Playground (CT-B)
- Obstacle Construction at Horizon Hill (CT-B)
- Operation Devils Playground (CT-C)
- Mounted Interdiction (CT-C)
- Security of A2 Echelon (CT-C)
- Platoon Clearance of Kitchner Ridge
Other Resources
- The Military Learning Gateway
- BCT CDR Tactical Decision Exercises, 1st Edition, SEP2018
- Scouts in Contact
- Armor Magazine Compiled TDEs
- The Marine Corps Association TDG Archive
- Case Method USMC
- Unit PME
- 3×5 Leadership on TDGs
- Duke University Navy ROTC TDGs
- Junior Tactician
- Vanguard of Valor
- 66 Stories of Battle Command
- Marine Corps Gazette, ”Are You The Next Napoleon”
- Marine Corps Gazette, “Observations on Decisionmaking in Battle”
- RAND: Dominating Duffer’s Domain
- Infantry Magazine, “Using Tactical Decision Games”
- Infantry Magazine, “TDG: Air Assault Seizure”
- The 9th Infantry Division, “What Now, Lieutenant” (1975)
Books for Decision-Making
- Mastering Tactics: A Tactical Decision Games Workbook, by John F. Schmidt, MAJ (USMCR)
- The Defence of Duffer’s Drift (Google Book)
- The Defense of Jisr al-Dorea
- The Defense of Hill 781
- Platoon Leader
- What If
- Seven Deadly Scenarios
- Thinking in Time
- Battle: A History of Combat and Culture
- The Face of Battle
- Infantry Attacks
- Team Yankee
- Blink
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