The Company Leader is focused on bringing relevant and applicable insights across the tactical, leadership, and fitness realms. To do this, we are always looking to address resource gaps in information and dialogue. One such gap was information on leadership and expectations from each of the branches within the Army. Cadets and newly commissioned Lieutenants are largely left in the dark when it comes to the branch they are about to join.
In the Spring of 2018, in a partnership with Colonel Eric Lopez’s Lopez on Leadership, we ran #BranchSeries. It originally ran from May 14th to the 25th and covered 14 Basic Branches. Lopez on Leadership published an interview with a Lieutenant Colonel/Colonel from each branch and we published an article written by a Captain/Major in each branch. Following the initial series, it was clear this was filling a much needed gap. So we aren’t stopping there! This page exists to expand #BranchSeries to include supplementary points of view and other branches such as Cyber, Judge Advocate, PSYOPs, Civil Affairs, Special Forces, etc. Below you will find links to every #BranchSeries article and Lopez on Leadership video interview.
Start HERE with the Introduction to #BranchSeries
Congratulations! You have received your Branch or recently Commissioned. Maybe you got your first choice…maybe you didn’t. Either way, the Soldiers and Noncommissioned Officers you will soon lead, deserve the very best leadership. They don’t know, nor do they care, about where you ranked in your ROTC, USMA, or OCS class. What they do care about, is that you come prepared to lead them on day 1. #BranchSeries is intended to help you do just that. Start with our Introduction.
Already know the Branch you want to check out? Easily scroll through the page by clicking on your branch below:
Infantry // Armor // Field Artillery // Air Defense Artillery // Aviation // Engineer // Military Police // Logistics // Military Intelligence // Chemical // Adjutant General // Finance // Signal // Medical Services // Judge Advocate // Civil Affairs
And once you are done going through all of the #BranchSeries posts, check out our culminating post that reviews a few expectations of junior leaders regardless of branch.
Mission: The mission of the Infantry is to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver in order to destroy or capture him, or to repel his assault with fire, close combat, and counterattack.
“Ordering Salad at Ruth’s Chris” by The Company Leader READ MORE
Leadership in the Infantry with Lt. Col. Ryan O’Connor
Lt. Col. Teddy Kleisner’s Comments on Infantry Branch
Mission: Armor’s mission is to close with and destroy the enemy using fire, maneuver, and shock action.
“The Best Job I Ever Had” by Capt. Ron Rice READ MORE
Leadership on the Battlefield with Lt. Col. Leo Wyszynski
Mission: The mission of the Field Artillery is to destroy, defeat, or disrupt the enemy with integrated fires to enable maneuver commanders to dominate in unified land operations.
“A Precision Art Form” by Capt. Eric Johnson READ MORE
“Field Artillery – Beyond the Howitzer” by Capt. Jacob Halisky READ MORE
Leadership in the Field Artillery with Col. Brett Forbes
Air Defense Artillery
Mission: The mission of Air Defense Artillery is to protect the force and selected geopolitical assets from aerial attack, missile attack, and surveillance.
”First to Fire” by Capt. Vince Wiggins READ MORE
Leadership in the Air Defense Artillery with Lt. Col. Scott Dellinger
Mission: The mission of Army Aviation is to find, fix, and destroy the enemy through fire and maneuver; and to provide combat, combat support and combat service support in coordinated operations as an integral member of the combined arms team.
“From Your Future Soldiers” by Maj. Nicklaus Franck READ MORE
Leadership in Army Aviation with Lt. Col. Travis Habhab
Mission: The Engineer Corps’ mission is to deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen our Nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters.
”Essayons” by Capt. Dan Keyser READ MORE
Leadership in the Engineers with Lt. Col. Coby Short
Military Police
Mission: The Army’s Military Police provide an important function in the full spectrum of Army operations as a member of the Maneuver, Fires, and Effects division. The Military Police Corps provides expertise in police, detainment and stability operations in order to enhance security and enable mobility.
”Protect & Defend” by Capt. Gretchen Butt READ MORE
Leadership in the Military Police with Col. Michelle Goyette
Quartermaster Mission: The U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps mission is to support the development, production, acquisition, and sustainment of general supply, Mortuary Affairs, subsistences, petroleum and water, material and distribution management during peace and war to provide combat power to the U.S. Army.
Ordnance Mission: The U.S. Army Ordnance Corps mission is to support the development, production, acquisition, and sustainment of weapon systems, ammunition, missiles, electronics, and ground mobility materiel during peace and war to provide combat power to the U.S. Army.
Transportation Mission: The Transportation Corps is responsible for the movement of personnel and material by truck, rail, air, and sea. Its motto is “Spearhead of Logistics,” and it is currently the third smallest branch of the Army.
”We ❤ Logistics” by Maj. Tony Newman READ MORE
Leadership in Logistics with Col. Matt Bresko
Military Intelligence
Mission: The primary mission of military intelligence in the United States Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and synchronized intelligence and electronic warfare support to tactical, operational and strategic-level commanders.
”Not Quite James Bond…But Close” by Capt. Truong Tran READ MORE
Leadership in Military Intelligence with Lt. Col. Drew Pekala
Mission: Chemical Corps officers protect the force and allow the Army to fight and win against a Nuclear Biological and Chemical (NBC) threat. Branch members develop doctrine, equipment and training for NBC defense that serve to deter potential adversaries possessing weapons of mass destruction.
”X Factor: The Force Multiplier” by Capt. Alberto Rios READ MORE
Leadership in the Chemical Corps with Lt. Col. Ike Manigault
Adjutant General
Mission: The Adjutant General Corps’ mission is to help build and sustain combat readiness through planning, operating, and managing all military personnel activities, which include the following functions: Personnel Services, Personnel Strength Management, Personnel Management, Automation, Band Operations, and Postal Operations.
”It Chose Me” by Capt. Nina Washington READ MORE
Leadership in the Adjutant General Corps with Lt. Col. Kelly Steele
Mission: The Finance Corps‘ Mission is to fund Army, Joint, and Combined Operations; execute timely commercial vendor and contract payments; and to provide pay and disbursing services, banking and currency services, and limited accounting on an area basis. The finance corps is a combat service support branch.
”Money, Money, Money…MONEY” by Capt. John Bowser READ MORE
Leadership in the Finance Corps with Col. Steve Hanson
Signal Corps
Mission: The mission of the Signal Corps is to provide and manage communications and information systems support for the command and control of combined arms forces.
”Can You Hear Me Now?” by Capt. James DiNatale READ MORE
Leadership in the Signal Corps with Lt. Col. Anne Wiersgalla
Medical Services
Mission: To provide a diverse, competent, and multidisciplinary Team of professionals who strengthen the Military Health System through responsive and reliable clinical, scientific, and administrative services
”To Conserve Fighting Strength” by Capt. Kelly McManus, 1st Lt. Mikayla Stewart, & 1st Lt. Johh Gigante READ MORE
Leadership in Medical Services with Col. Chip O’Neal
Judge Advocate General (JAG)
“From Fight to FLEP” by Capt. Gregor MacGregor READ MORE
Civil Affairs
“Securing Victory…or Just Embracing Chaos” by Capt. Matt Radman
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