Objective Argon (Ambush)

A Tactical Decision Game for Cadets

The Scenario

A week ago, when the last of the Arianan conventional forces withdrew from southern Atropia, your Battalion was tasked with clearing a AO Dagger in Northwestern Kurdamir province of remaining irregular forces.  Intelligence suggests that these irregular forces, consisting of approximately a company-sized element of the South Atropian People’s Army (SAPA), seek to disrupt US operations in the AO to prevent a massing of combat power while Arianan forces reconsolidate and prepare to defend or counterattack.  Their task organization as team-sized elements, and marked skill at avoiding decisive engagement make them a particularly frustrating opponent.

Though they have been attrited by approximately a third, identifying and maintaining contact with their elements continues to prove difficult.  Every opportunity to close with the SAPA brings the mission closer to completion.

The Mission

Your PLT, 2nd PLT/B Co/1st CDT BN*, has occupied a patrol base overnight in AO Dagger.  One hour before BMNT you receive the following FRAGO via FM radio from your company commander, Bronco 6.

“2nd Platoon attacks to destroy a SAPA security patrol traveling along RTE Astros IVO OBJ Argon.  Be prepared to initiate the ambush NLT H+4 (4 hours from now).”

Security patrols consist of fire-team sized elements with small arms.  They are supported by 82mm mortars and a platoon-sized Quick Reaction Force.

*Standard “cadet” light-infantry platoon.  40 individuals; 3 rifle squads; weapon squad w/ 2 M240B teams (no  Javelins); medic, RTO, PSG, PL.  Platoon equipment includes six SINCGAR radios, SKEDKO, M18A1 Claymore mine kit, AT4.  The Platoon does not possess Night-Vision Devices (NVDs).


In 15 minutes, produce the following:

  1. A WARNO with detailed timeline (OPORD, RXLs, SP, etc…)
  2. A Course of Action* sketch depicting your concept of the operation.  Include your plotted route, ORP location, and locations of all elements (security, support, assault) for the ambush.
  3. Consider your actions post-ambush.

*See Appendix A of ATP 3-21.8 Infantry Platoon and Squad for information on Course of Action sketches.

To get the most out of this TDG, read the discussion below only once you have completed the outputs.








This scenario was not designed to stump you.  Tactically, it’s pretty straight forward.  Rather, we want to get you a rep at a couple of skills that Cadets tend to struggle with.

The first is backwards planning.  If four hours seems like plenty of time to execute this mission, you probably aren’t considering the time cost of all of the Troop Leading Procedures and steps of the mission.  Ensure that you are allotting time for planning and briefing your order, for pre-combat checks and inspections, as well as rehearsals.  The time associated with tasks such as ORP occupation and leaders recon are habitually low-balled.

Second, route planning is a skill that requires critical thought, not the ability to identify the shortest distance between two points.  There is always more than one right answer, but consider the effects of terrain on your movement and maneuver.

Finally, ensure that your plan addresses the totality of the problem set.  In almost all of the missions that you will encounter, once actions on the objective are complete, you should immediately transition to defense or initiate withdrawal.


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