The war against Donovia to secure Atropian independence rages. Donovian Forces launched another invasion into Atropia in early January in order to seize northern portions of Atropia. The Coalition response to the Donovian invasion was swift and effective, resulting in significant attrition to the invading force. The most forward Donovian elements, the 111th BTG, suffered a high casualty rate, as well as an 85%-90% attrition rate of armored vehicles. Your company will counter-attack along the international border and your platoon is the lead element.
Donovian Forces withdrew behind the international boundary and occupied principle defensive positions along the border. Coalition Forces transitioned security for Atropia back to the Atropian Security Forces. Local Governance has moved back into city centers of Atropia and the legitimacy of GoRA is restored. The Coalition counter-attack begins.
Enemy forces have established a hasty area defense facing north following the successful seizure of Atropian Border Security Complex (ABSC). ISR imagery indicates they are equipped with 2x BTR-80s that has 1x AT-14, 1x 30mm chain gun, and 1x 7.62 PKT machine gun. We believe these vehicles will be behind berms on the objective. The enemy has 2x dismounted squads, each equipped with 8x personnel, 1x RPG-29, 1x SA-18, 2x AGL, 2x light machine guns. The enemy will spread these forces on the objective in 3x bunker locations. Enemy reinforcements are approximately 10km southeast and are able to reinforce within 15 minutes.
Friendly Forces
You are part of a battalion task force whose mission is to attack to destroy elements of the 111thBrigade Tactical Group (BTG) along the Atropian-Donovian International Border to deny enemy capabilities to re-invade Atropia, and to legitimize the Government of the Republic of Atropia (GoRA). Your company is conducting an attack to destroy principal defenses vicinity the company objective.
Task Organization

4-17th IN / 1st SBCT / 1st AD engaging enemy elements during NTC DATE Rotation 19-01. U.S. Army Photo by Pvt. Brooke Davis, Operations Group, NTC
You at MTOE strength for an SBCT rifle platoon. Your company commander gave you tactical control of 1x MGS vehicle and 1x ATGM vehicle and priority for the company 60mm mortar team. You can pre-plan 2 x 60mm targets as well as 2x BN 81mm and 120mm targets. During Phase I of the company mission, you can call those pre-planned fires. You will also be able to call targets of opportunity for the company 60mm mortars to engage.
Your platoon (+) will attack to destroy enemy vicinity OBJ Aardvark IOT protect the company decisive operations eastern flank and deter further Donovian aggression.
Output Required
You have 25 minutes; gather your platoon leadership to devise a plan. Focus your efforts on clearly understanding the weapon systems you have at your disposal and properly echeloning fires. Use the designated phase lines and TRPs to assist you in your direct and indirect fires plan. (HINT: Think “triggers.”) Then use the operations graphic below to draw your concept of the operation. Prepare a brief FRAGORD for your platoon. Include your analysis of enemy disposition, re-stated mission statement, a concept statement, and the rationale for your plan.
Some Leader Questions to Consider
- What weapon systems does the enemy have to bring to bear? What are their capabilities?
- How does this inform your probable line of contact (PLOC)?
- What does that PLOC mean for your dismount operations? Your echelonment of fires?
- What weapon systems do you have in your organic and attached forces?
- How are you arrayed at the end-state? Are you ready for a counter-attack?
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