During the continuous operations an aviation task force will encounter at the National Training Center, many task force commanders struggle with where they will be most effective fighting their organization from. The Eagle Team OC-Ts will see commanders at echelon ask themselves the same questions rotation after rotation. How well have I trained my subordinates to handle the pace of operations and multitude of tasks required of my unit? And, where can I be the most effective commander right now and where will I fight from?
Category Archives: Lessons from Atropia
A Lesson in Incorporating Enablers
The Joint Fires Enterprise, and honestly, the Joint environment as a whole, recognizes the skillsets that the TACP brings. The rank structure (rightfully instituted) can be a limiting factor, especially for the SMEs. Oftentimes, the E-4/E-5 TACP has a deep seated mentality that thinks outside the box to combat typical maneuver warfare and how best to pummel the enemy. In my years of experience and 9 deployments, I have witnessed a general dismissal of an enlisted member that is a subject matter expert due in large part to a cultural mindset that differs in each Service. As an Enabler, the TACP has a wide-ranging capability that suits not just conventional but Special Operations as well. Quite a few senior enlisted have spent time on both sides and have a very unique view on the wars that we have been a part of for over 20 years and have garnered valuable lessons learned that have been glossed over by our Army brethren.
Make your C2 Enterprise Facilitate your Leadership
What should Commanders focus on with regards to Command and Control systems that the S6 should be closely supervising and managing for the commander? Often times we see commanders ignore C2 systems and then arrive at the National Training Center without ever directly understanding his or her full communication capabilities. Once the team is on the ground at NTC it is too late for commanders to pay attention to what the S6 has or has not been doing in garrison and unfortunately, many units go into the box handicapped from a C2 perspective.
The Intelligence Warfighting Function
Battlefield Leadership of a Team of Teams
Almost every Intelligence Warfighting Function leader at some point has asked some version of the following question: “What are the keys to success for an S2 (or other IWfF leader) during a Combat Training Center rotation?” Collectively as an Army, we have the experience of hundreds of rotations over the 40-year history of the National Training Center (and the other CTCs), countless lessons shared from experienced leaders through LPDs, articles, and even social media engagements. The question generates many responses: a well-established Intel architecture, thoroughly rehearsed processes and SOPs, integrated teams, effective transitions, etc. These topics are among many that any Intel leader desiring to be successful should give due diligence. But this particular paper won’t delve into staff processes, effective architecture, or SOPs. Its purpose is to tackle a topic that is on its surface much simpler, but in practice requires a much greater up-front investment than any of those to get right– effective battlefield leadership.
A Training Relationship
How Sustainment Leaders and Units are Developed
While combat arms battalion commanders and company commanders maneuver their units to accomplish battalion level objectives, the Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) Commander and his or her company commanders must maneuver their units to enable the breadth and depth of the entire Brigade Combat Team’s (BCT) operation. The BCT’s maneuver battalions fight to achieve BCT tactical objectives, and the Fires Battalion and Engineer Battalion shape for the maneuver battalions. Only the BSB, however, continually supports all seven organic battalions within a BCT.
Who Should Serve as TF Engineers in an IBCT?
A Critical Position for Success in the Decisive Action Training Environment
The Infantry Brigade Combat team is, by definition, a light organization. Never is that more apparent to its soldiers than on the lead edge of the battlefield, defending against an Arianin armored thrust. This is the point, in time and space, where soldiers rue the fact that “light” fighters, are also “light” on engineers and their heavy equipment. Whether the defense at the battalion-level fails or holds usually boils down to one person, the Task Force Engineer (TF ENG).
Splitting the Battalion Aid Station
Are Units Doing it Right?
It’s common for units at the National Training Center to split their Battalion Aid Station (BAS) into a Forward Aid Station (FAS) and a Main Aid Station (MAS). Unfortunately, many units find they don’t really know what to do with them once they’re split. Observers often find units asking the same questions; Is there a difference in capability? Is the MAS required to stay fixed, while the FAS bounds ahead? When does it make sense not to split the BAS? To answer these question, we must look at doctrine to clarify commonly misused terms, understand medical unit composition, and review tactics. These three steps will demonstrate that extended medical coverage and bounding medical coverage are useful techniques that units can use to increase survivability and treat wounded soldiers to get them back in the fight.
The Skolkan OPFOR Empire
Three Years of Lessons Learned as US Army Europe's Opposition Force
They are the demons who run around in black, tan, or green uniforms. Unnamed fighters who cover their MILES gear in sunscreen, wreaking havoc to friendly forces on the mock battlefield. They are the source of sweat drenched days and sleepless lights, a seemingly unbeatable force from the depths of hell. Just who are these mythical combat creatures?
A Practical Approach to RETRANS Certification
Somewhere in Atropia there is a struggling battalion retransmission (RETRANS) crew. They are on the hills of Porta-Potty Wadi, or somewhere in the Tiefort Mountain Range. These soldiers have a critical task–to facilitate their unit’s communications. But either because they lack the training, the leadership, or the equipment, they often fall short. Signal trainers at NTC consistently observe units struggling to maintain long range push-to-talk communications. BCTs should consider using three events to properly train and certify their RETRANS crews.
Maintaining at Pace
An NTC Update Series of Articles
In February 2020, the NTC Operations Group published an article entitled “Winning the Maintenance Fight At Pace.” The article highlighted some common shortcomings with regards to creating a culture of maintenance in our formations as well as tips for building a solid maintenance program capable of performing in any environment. In March, the Officers and NCOs of Operations Group at the National Training Center built upon that article in an effort to help us all understand specific tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that can allow the Army to maintain combat power while simultaneously conducting large scale combat operations against a near peer threat.