One of the coolest aspects of engaging in the online professional development space is learning from fellow practitioners I would not otherwise have met. Among these are leaders from our outstanding allies on the other side of the globe. There are too many leaders and forums to mention, but here are a few: Maj. Gen. Mick Ryan, Mick Cook, Tom McDermott, the UK’s Army Leader, and–most recently–the Junior Tactician. Our mutual dedication to the profession of arms unites us—as does our love of a good tactical decision game.

While the Junior Tactician is no longer an active website, they still maintain a Twitter and Facebook page. The Junior Tactician was a resource center for junior military commanders of the NCO and officer type. They provided extra curricular material outside of doctrine to aid individual and unit professional development. Like so many of these sites, it was a not-for-profit venture. An active duty Australian Army soldier ran it in his free time and eventually that time-requirement became larger than he could manage.
But that doesn’t mean we have to lose the great resources he developed and shared. One of my favorite resources he offered was a series of Tactical Decision Exercises (TDE). Now you can find all of the Junior Tactician’s TDE’s HERE on our Tactical Decision Game page. And make sure you check out the other outstanding resources from our friends across each pond, such as the British Army Centre for Army Leadership and The Cove, the professional development network of the Australian Army.
For you war-fighting students, check out The Cove’s pages on Tactics, Wargaming, and Tactical & Technical.
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