You are a scout (recon) platoon leader in Apache Troop, 5-7 CAV, 1st ABCT, 3rd ID. You and your troop are conducting a zone reconnaissance in Donovian occupied territory of Atropia, from PL MIAMI (Whale Gap) north to PL BOSTON (the northern wall). Over the previous two weeks, your brigade has traded blows with elements of the 111th Brigade Tactical Group (BTG) in your fight to liberate Atropia. Your squadron has been critical in answering Brigade PIRs and informing the Brigade Commander’s decisions. But now isn’t the time to hit the breaks. As your infantry battalions shift their movement northward, it’s again time for you to cross LD in advance to provide space in time and fight for information.

In the first phase of your brigade’s operations in Donovian-controlled territory of Atropia, you have fought from west to east along AOA DOG, generally paralleling MSR LONG ISLAND. Your squadron conduced reconnaissance operations along the mountain range that includes “the bowling alley,” “no-name cave,” and “grizzly.” Your troop reached the squadron limit of advance on “the furlong” as the brigade established its TAA tucked in to the terrain just southwest of “the Whale Gap.”
During this first phase of the operation, your infantry battalions encountered limited resistance. They primarily were engaged by harassing fire coming from the Bilasuvar Freedom Brigade (BFB)–a local insurgent group–who are reinforced by the 111th Donovian Brigade Tactical Group (BTG). Your cavalry squadron observed minimal elements of the 2-200th IN in the Valley of Death and maneuvering northeast to reinforce their sister company in the John Wayne Foothills. You were able to destroy one platoon of their forces before they broke contact into the wadis and other terrain vic of the Boot.
Your Squadron S2, linked in with the Brigade S2, assesses that the 2-200th IN will establish a defense in-depth with their cavalry in the John Wayne Foothills, one company of mechanized infantry in Siberia, another vic of Hill 760, and their final company in reserve. The enemy knows your brigade is focused on seizing Razish and is trying to determine your direction of attack. They have numerous scouts from the BFB in the AO to report your movement. You can assume they have other units and scouts vicinity of Bike Lake Pass, the Hidden Valley, and Porta Potti Wadi.
Friendly Forces
Blackfoot Troop will conduct an area reconnaissance west and north, ahead of 2-7 Infantry, to determine enemy presence and shape the fight vic of Bike Lake Pass and the Hidden Valley. Comanche Troop will conduct an area reconnaissance north along OPs Casey, Tony, and Bone as they move up their AOA vic the 54 Easting. Your (Apache) troop and Comanche Troop will be moving ahead of 3-69 Armor. The Brigade Commander is determining where to commit his exploitation force to break into the central corridor and shape the environment for an attack on Razish. He is withholding the employment of 1-64 Armor as that exploitation force. The intelligence and information that 5-7 CAV will fight for may very well determine the success or failure of your brigade’s fight.
Task Organization
You are task organized with a 6×36 MTOE ABCT Recon Platoon. You have 6x Bradley Fighting Vehicles (BFVs) and 36x Scouts. Your platoon is full on ammunition, fuel, and other classes of supply after Darkhorse and Horsemen Troops pushed LOGPAC in the last 24 hours.
Your recon platoon, in concert with your troop and the other troops within the squadron, will conduct an area reconnaissance from the Whale Gap to Hills 824 & 781E (by way of the John Wayne Foothills) IOT to answer brigade PIRs.
Your troop’s LOA is Hill 824, just north of Siberia. The tempo is rapid and forceful in open terrain, but transition to stealthy and deliberate once reaching Siberia. Your focus is threat (enemy). Get eyes on the Race Track and Hill 760 to answer the following primary Brigade PIR: “Will the enemy more heavily defend the approach to Razish from the east or the southwest?”
Output Required
You have 25 minutes; gather your platoon leadership to devise a plan. Focus your efforts on clearly understanding your enemy and friendly situations. Consider the primary PIRs and the conditions that will answer them. Also, discuss what your tempo and focus mean to your operation. Use the operations graphic below to draw your concept of the operation. Prepare a brief FRAGORD for your platoon. Discuss how METT-TC (specifically enemy and terrain) will effect your movement and maneuver.
Some Leader Questions to Consider
- Understanding your tempo and focus, what movement techniques do you plan to employ during each phase of your operation? Why?
- Where is your PLOC? Why? And how will it affect your operation?
- Discuss your Commander’s Recon Guidance? Does this help, confuse, contradict, etc.?
- How will your reports feed the Commander’s PIR? What is the Brigade Commander looking for to make his decision?
- What is a likely follow-on mission for your platoon/troop? Talk through how you might operate with that in mind.
- The BCT did not provide specific information requirements (SIRs) to help you answer the PIR. What information should you look for to answer the PIR?
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