When you join The Company Leader you aren’t just getting our content – you are joining a community of people, ideas, thoughts, and inspiration that spans the profession of arms. This community is truly an amazing, supportive, and special thing of which to be a part. The whole reason The Company Leader exists is the support of some great fellow leaders who understood that when it comes to our profession there is no blue ocean or red ocean – there is only iron sharpening iron.

Below you will find a list of blogs, journals, articles, and other online sources to help you grow in your leadership, fitness, and tactics. You can also find a curated list of leader material, updated in real time, HERE.
Check out this great Prezi from Grounded Curiosity
New to military blogging and podcasting? Been told to ‘do PME’ but don’t know where to start? Check v2.0 of the PME Prezi – a guide to the military writing and podcasting network in Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA and Canada now with >190 resources! https://t.co/Rsg64N5USK pic.twitter.com/OGxtxRQYFU
— Grounded Curiosity (@GroundCuriosity) April 4, 2020
Blogs and Resources
- The Military Leader
- The Field Grade Leader
- The Strategy Bridge
- The Military Writers Guild
- P.S. Magazine
- Grounded Curiosity
- Pay Day Activities
- Resume Builder
- From the Green Notebook
- Small Wars Journal
- Modern War Institute
- Beyond the Objective
- Company Command
- ProDev2Go
- 3×5 Leadership
- Task & Purpose
- Strategic Studies Institute
- General Leadership
- Be Mission Capable
- War on the Rocks
- Harvard Business Review
- Joint Force Quarterly
- Parameters
- Military Review
- Prism
- Australian Defence Force Journal
- Australian Journal of Defence and Strategic Studies